Personal Improvement–Why A Positive Attitude May Be Hurting You!

by lnyol on October 12, 2011 | CLICK to Follow Him on Twitter

“Just keep thinking positive and everything will work out”

“If your attitude was better then things would be better”

Have you heard these two statements or similar a thousand times?

Guess what…

…They may be what’s holding you back in your quest for personal improvement.

I’m not going to say that having a “Positive Attitude” is wrong or won’t help.

But truth is that sometimes we are going to have to do things that just flat out SUCK!

No matter how much we coax our Positive Attitude out it just doesn’t seem to get any better.

But if we have an effective plan, that works, it doesn’t matter if our attitude is indifferent or outstanding. In the end, if you finish the work, then magic will take place in your life.

It’s all about Finishing The Work!

And yes a positive attitude can and will help.

But it’s also not going to happen every single time.

As a matter of fact I wasn’t and frankly still am not too excited about writing tonight.

It’s been a long day, my inner voice isn’t happy with me, and it wants to go to bed.

However, I know that writing is something I must do and I know that it benefits my business tremendously.

I know the numbers and the results.

Therefore I must do it regardless of my attitude.

A Positive Attitude Can and Will Destroy Your Chances For Success!!!

Yep I said it.

Truth is we feed ourselves full of shit.

We tell ourselves stories, feed the “Positive Attitude”, that eventually get in the way of the Brutal Honesty it takes to truly succeed.

Dan Kennedy (Marketing Genius) wrote that it doesn’t matter how positive his attitude is he’s never going to be an NBA Superstar and probably not even a water boy.

If you make a decision and are going in the wrong direction with a positive attitude…

…Guess What?…Your not going to get where you want to go no matter how positive your attitude is.

If you are constantly trying to put a Positive Spin on negative things you’ll fall into the Very Hurtful Trap of Lying to yourself.

And lying to yourself is the worst possible thing you can ever do.


Because It robs you of any real chance of succeeding.

There is a Famous Self Help Guru that has an exercise he does at his seminars.

At the very end of his seminar he has you write your top 10 goals on a piece of paper.

He tells you to read them to yourself then wrinkle up the paper and throw it away.

He tell you to maintain a positive attitude and as many as 50% of your goals will be achieved within 5 years without ever thinking about them again.


I don’t care how Positive you are.

You must prepare, do your homework, and take massive action.

It doesn’t matter how you feel.

YES! you want to try your damn best to maintain a positive attitude.

But it’s not the cure all.


And you sure don’t want to let your “Positivity” delude you into believing truths that are fiction in your own mind.

Sometimes Negative Thinking is the best tool to use.

I’ll give you a recent example of mine.

For too many years I’ve accepted being “Overweight”.

I’ve tried being positive.

I’ve focused on my Positive Outcome.

Yet I just kept getting fatter and fatter.

No Positive spin could cover up the truth.

I am a Fat Bastard that has one foot in the grave. (See the story of how I almost died here . . . )

I the way I looked.

I the way I felt.

I had no energy to keep up with my little 5 year old daughter.

For the past three months’ I’ve been as consistent as ever on my diet and new healthy lifestyle.

I’m enjoying the process.

And when my mind starts to wander off track I don’t focus on the Positive stuff.

I see that picture, that I locked in my brain, of me looking horrible at the gym in front of all those pretty ladies.

I see that picture of me feeling insecure as I was heading into the sauna.

I remember what it “Feels” like to not be able to do the things I want to.

This is what make me motivated and stay the course.

It works for me.

I don’t put some bullshit spin on it.

I don’t pretend what I might be.

Does this mean that I don’t envision what I’ll look like or feel like in 6 months or a year?

Heck no.

I do that as well.

But for me…

…focusing on the truth of the situation during my weak times is what keeps me going.

For you it may be different.

But telling myself I’m a “little pudgy” when I’m a disgusting fat ass is just a form of self – delusion.

Well there ya have it.

I didn’t even want to write this dang post.

But I started.

And now 37 minutes later I’m done.

I wasn’t too positive in the beginning.

I feel great now.


It works wonders.

And every once in a while throw in some Negative Thinking and see how things work out.

Your Friend.


PS. For some deep super ninja personal improvement insights into making your mind work for you instead of against you, you definitely want to click here now . . .

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Personal Improvement–Why A Positive Attitude May Be Hurting You!

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