13 Rules To Live My Life By In 2012 – What Are Yours?

by Chief MyNoteTakingNerd on December 20, 2011 | CLICK to Follow Him on Twitter

personal improvement-self help-professional development-improvement

Will You Transform Your Life In 2012?

Personal Improvement Rules For Seeking The Biggest and Best 2012 Possible

I’ve noticed something in my years of studying success that is always present.

This was brought to my attention again recently in something I read from one of my online mentors.

Something that is buried in the core of any person who’s achieved anything of significance.

Whether it’s an Amazing Father or Multi-Millionaire.

This ONE THING is always there.

It’s a Cult Like Belief and therefor the consistent behavior that follows.

A Strong Personal Set Of Beliefs and Philosophy that guides their behavior and a set of goals to go along with it.

I’ve noticed that when I’m “Rigid” in my personal improvement routine that aligns with my current goals I’m always 10 times more successful then when I’m just floating through life.

This year I’ve decided to commit Set Of Rules for 2012 that I’m NOT going to budge from.

No…”Well just for today I’ll do something different or take the easy road”

No Flexibility.

I’m going to commit to these as if I’d DIE if I don’t follow them.

Here Are My 13 GOLDEN Rules for 2012.
1. I will write for at least 60 minutes first thing in the morning 5 days per week.

2. I will go to bed at the same time and awake at the same time 6 days per week.

3. I will aerobically exercise 5 days per week.

4. I will Resistance (body weight or weights) train a minimum of two days per week.

5. I will check my email NO MORE then 2 times per day. (this is going to be hard but I’m committed)

6. I will turn off my phone and only check it during scheduled breaks during the day.

7. I will schedule the “Next Day Improvement” the previous night every night before I retire.

8. I will NEVER “React” in the moment to anything. I’ve had a challenge my entire life with a Hot Head. It’s caused me nothing but trouble and health problems. It’s time to stop. If I do this then I will apologize and fix the stress or problem I’ve caused.

9. I will be “In The Moment” when speaking with my daughter. I will transform myself into her world and PLAY FULL ON. To do this I will get myself into state before I call her. (I am a single father who speaks to my daughter via the phone more then I see her)

10. I will work on one “Marketing or Offer Piece” every single day for 60 minutes. This can be an email, part of a sales letter etc…

11. I will be committed to my professional development so that I can grow the Nerd Site by 500% this year. I did it last year and expect to so this year as well.

12. I will never Gossip. I will not speak of others in a negative way unless they are present and I frame the conversation in a negative way.

13. I will get SOCIAL. I am going to join groups, get involved in the community, and get out of the house. I’ve been somewhat of a hermit for a few years. It’s time for change.

There you have it.

13 Rules to radically transform my life.

Let me ask you a question if I only did the 13 things above consistently for a year how would my life transform?

I’d say A LOT!!!

Simple self help actions taken consistently is the answer to success.

Now right now I’d encourage you to come up with your “List of Rules” for 2012.

What are they.

Let the transformation begin.

Dexter Abraham
Chief Nerd

P.S. If you’re striving to be the biggest and baddest you and you’re serious about it, you’ll be happy to know you can find some of the best personal improvement advice I’ve ever come across in these notes

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13 Rules To Live My Life By In 2012 – What Are Yours?

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